Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Teachers Day Essay Example for Free

Teachers Day Essay Image by surojitbasak2007 via Flickr Calcutta, India, Aug 26, 2011 (Washington Bangla Radio) In India 5th September is celebrated as Teachers day as a mark of tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society. 5th September is the birthday of a great teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education, and was the well-known diplomat, scholar, president of India and above all a teacher. The day commemorates the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakhrishnan, a philosopher and a teacher par excellence, and his contribution towards Indian education system. Dr Radhakhrishnan believed that teachers should be the best minds in the country. On this day, we gratefully remember the great educationist, apart from honoring all the teachers that have made our life much more knowledgeable and fulfilled, as serving as our beacons of light. When Dr. Radhakrishnan became the President of India in 1962, he was approached by some of his students and friends and requested him to allow them to celebrate 5th September, his birthday. In reply, Dr.Radhakrishnan said, instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege if September 5 is observed as Teachers day. The request showed Dr. Radhakrishnans love for the teaching profession. From then onwards, the day has been observed as Teachers Day in India. One of the most celebrated writers in the modern India today his work varies on philosophical, theological, ethical, educational, social and cultural subjects. He contributed numerous articles to different well-known journals, which, are of immense value and seems to surprise various readers because of the depth in the meaning of the articles. Teachers day is now one of the occasions that is looked forward by the

Monday, January 20, 2020

dying in the eyes of shakespeare :: essays research papers

Dieing in the eyes of Shakespeare In this sonnet â€Å"That time of year thou may’st in me behold† Shakespear uses nature to describe life’s stages, while painting a vivid picture of nature in autumn, we can see his state of mind when using metaphors. The author intertwines nature, time, life, aging, and death in such broadness that the personal reactions and perceptions of the poem are broad as well, as a good metaphor does. When speaking of autumn the author fist refers to it as â€Å"That time of year†. Furthermore, he describes the season as â€Å"When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang† the brightness of the yellow leaves suggest light which equals life. As the speaker goes on, â€Å"In me thou see’st the twilight of such day. As after sunset fadeth in the west†, one can see that â€Å"twilight† and â€Å"fadeth† suggest he is dieing. Moreover, this has a direct reference on the author’s golden years. Shakespeare uses the most decaying weather season of a year and the fading of the day’s sun light to replicate his feeling of aging and getting closer to death. He then refers to night as death by saying; â€Å"Death’s second self that seals up all in rest† rest represents a deep peaceful sleep that he may never awaken from. Furthermore, he proceeds into the conclusion of his theme with the permanent ending of death. â€Å"That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, As the deathbed whereon it must expire.† He compares life to a glowing fire, another one of nature’s elements and once again using the luminosity component of it. Which he believes is the brightest in his youth and now he lies in the ashes of his life, yet still burning. The author mentions how life has consumed all the fire that he has left in him, leading one to believe that he does not have much more to give, therefore, dying. Nature has the stages of the season and also of the day; our daily cycles are much more like our life stages than seasons.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Leadership & Managing People

As we all know, different types of business play a vital role in the progress or advancement of certain companies especially in this modern era where competition is really tight and business tycoons are rampant. According to Britannica Online1, business organization is an entity formed for the purpose of carrying on commercial enterprise; such an organization is predicated on systems of law governing contract and exchange, property rights, and incorporation.Business like these greatly aids in the improvement of the lifestyle of man. There are many types of businesses; some involving housing, food, clothing, drugs, etc. Whichever or whatever it may be, different business men or managers use different strategies in advertising a certain product in order to attract consumers and sell the product resulting to the development of the company. But before anything else, companies must have a rough picture of what the future might be and how their product can contribute to the welfare of the future in one way or another.In accordance to the article â€Å"Strategy under Uncertainty† by Hugh Courtney, Jane Kirkland and Patrick Viguerie, I agree that these strategies and the different levels of uncertainties analyzed and presented in the article are possible. And with further application of these strategies the company will certainly improve, even taking into account that no matter what status the company may be, a newbie or a booming business under the leadership of a tycoon it undergoes these different levels.I am in agreement with the topics discussed in the article because most companies do and will experience these uncertainties and apply these different strategies for further advancement and development of the company. Even big companies such as the electronic company Sony, or the clothing line of Guess and other businesses analyze the level of1 business organization. (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britanni ca Online: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9106109uncertainty they are presently in and apply the strategy needed for further progression of the company. Also, in the article, issues such future realization and analysis to where the product is needed are discussed.In the article, the four types of level of uncertainty stated are very impressive. As they convey and state what companies of different business have to face and decide upon in order to become productive as well as efficient. In the article, there are also several diagrams or figures that can help in further understanding the different levels of uncertainty being discussed in the article.According to Anne Brown2, most profitable business ventures have been started by people under 35. Based on this statement made by the above stated author, people handling different business vary in age. Which tells us that success is not only achieved through the years but through thorough understanding of the business as well as plan ning what approporiate strategies the business is needed to be assessed with.In the article â€Å"Strategy under Uncertainty†, oligopoly was stated. Oligopoly according to Britannica Online3, market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not control the market, and each producer must consider the effect of a price change on the actions of the other producers. Especially in bussiness organizations like these, different work strategies are needed for the company to survive. I also agree with the article that traditional approaches in advertising are indeed dangerous. Since there is no assurance that the product being advertised can catch the attention of the consumer. Take for example food business, commercials are not enough or flyers, the consumer must take a taste of the product in order to be persuaded to buy it.2 talented tycoons. (1999). In The Freelibrary. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from thefreelibrary.com: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Talented+tycoon s-a0547837763 oligopoly. (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Online: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9057021References:business organization. (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 16, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9106109oligopoly. (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9057021talented tycoons. (1999). In The Freelibrary. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from thefreelibrary.com: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Talented+tycoons-a054783776

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Policies Of Eisenhower s Vietnam And John F. Policy

Many historians viewed Kennedy as a young, naà ¯ve president who lacked a clear policy but the counter argument is that Kennedy was decisive and assertive. In order to judge whether John F. Kennedy lacked a clear policy in Vietnam we have to compare the policies of Dwight Eisenhower’s in Vietnam and John F. Kennedys policies and how it contradicted with their ideologies. DWIGHT EISENHOWERS FOREIGN POLICY VS. JOHN F. KENNEDYS FOREIGN POLICY The view by some historians is that The Dwight Eisenhower foreign policy was popularly known as the â€Å"New Look†. This policy aimed to maintain the American financial economy while Eisenhower was planning the Cold war and continue the containment of communism regime. Also, the â€Å"New look† policy relied heavily on nuclear weapons to stop communism. Therefore the policy was been assessed as being suppressing, rigid, and too dependent on brinkmanship (trying to achieve an outcome by pushing dangerous events to the brink) and massive retaliation (also known as a massive response, this is a military doctrine and nuclear strategy in which a state commits itself to retaliate in much greater force in the event of an attack). Arguably, his foreign policy stressed peace greatly, but it also threatened war (brinkmanship and massive retaliation). The Kennedy administration foreign policies were less rigid and had an ideological approach. His policies displayed and promoted ‘Liberalism, Diplomacy and Military action’. His Foreign policies were popularlyShow MoreRelatedTruman Doctrine1575 Words   |  7 Pageshappens for a specific reason and therefore everything has its own time and place. One significant event in United States history had been the Vietnam War. However, the Vietnam War that I speak of didnà #9472;#8805;t last from the mid 1960à #9472;#8805;s to early 1970à #9472;#8805;s. Rather, the events that had lead up to the proceedings of the situation in Vietnam began on March 12, 1947 with the creation of the Truman Doctrine. Proceeding World War II, the threat of communism had been particularlyRead MoreThe War Of The Civil Rights Movement1476 Words   |  6 Pagesprotest, the war in Vietnam, the fight for civil rights, and JFK. Then came the 1970s and it was known as the time of peace and love, equality for all, the ongoing war in Vietnam, and Nixon. Each decade after one another affected the next with foreign policy, domestic policy, politics, political leadership, the economy, and the social terms of each decade. In 1945-1953, Harry Truman was in office and his foreign policy philosophy was containment. Some main events of foreign policy while he was inRead MoreContainment Strategies During The Cold War1084 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican Cultures 10 27 February 2017 Containment Strategies in the Cold War During the Cold War, communism was spreading.   The three presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy needed a way to stop it from spreading.   All Three turned to the idea of containment.   Ayers, et al. defines containment as a Policy by George F. Kennan, that started in the late 1940’s and was created to stop the spread of communism by providing economic aid, and military aid to countries opposing the Soviets.   All three cold warRead MoreContainment: The American Way1372 Words   |  6 Pagesdetermination to beat communism than the cause. This first appears with the Truman Doctrine, which set the precedent for America to assist anti-communist regimes around the world. After World War II and up until the early 1990’s the foreign policy of the United States was based on the policy of the containment of Cold War ideology and to prevent nations from turning towards Soviet-based communism. The fear of communism first emerged after the First Red Scare in the 1920s. The fear of extreme ideologiesRead MoreWhat Led The United States Into The Vietnam War?1449 Words   |  6 PagesReilly Fletcher HUS History Mr. Hlavacek 5/30/16 What Led the United States to Enter the Vietnam War? The United States played a very crucial role in the conflict that occurred in Southeast Asia between the U.S.-backed democratic South Vietnam, and Soviet-backed communist North Vietnam. Following the defeat of its French administration in 1954, North Vietnam, led by Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, wanted to reunify the country with the help of its rebel allies in the south, known as the Viet CongRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1592 Words   |  7 PagesThe Vietnam War was said to be one of the most significant wars in the twentieth century. This war took place from November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975. It was at the time, the longest war in American history. Much of the conflict was centered in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. During that time, approximately 58,219 US troops were killed in action. The reason America got involved in the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism in South East Asia and beyond. â€Å"America’s involvement in Vietnam derivedRead MoreThe 70s Are Not Totally Happy `` Days1667 Words   |  7 PagesRegardless, the approach of the 1950s as days were happily lived. Perhaps when measured against the Great Depression of the 1930s, the world war of the 1940s, the warfare of the 1960s, and the despair of the 1970s, the 1950s were indeed fabulous. Dwight Eisenhower was a president, he was also known as Ike. Ike was a famous war hero of this 1950s era. Nicknamed as he walked a middle road between two major parties. This was a technique, called Modern Republicanism. This strategy restrained Democrats from expandingRead MorePresidential Doctrines Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: PRESIDENTIAL DOCTRINES Presidential Doctrines: President Kennedy and the Communist Expansion Abstract The Kennedy Doctrine was essentially an expansion of the foreign policy of the previous administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman, The Eisenhower doctrine focused providing both military and economic assistance to nations resisting communism and increasing trade from the U.S. to Latin America and the Truman doctrine focused on containment of communism by providingRead MoreThe U.S. Contained Communism in Vietnam1552 Words   |  7 Pagesthroughout the world. Vietnam was one of the many countries under the threat of Communism. At this time, Vietnam was a French Colony. As time went on tension started to come between the French and the Vietnamese people. As tension increased so did the fighting between the French and The Vietnamese. Finally in 1954, The French decided that they could no longer withstand the revolts of the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese were now free of French rule. However, many problems still remained in Vietnam. After the warRead MoreWhy Did The Cold Wa r Start And How Did It Develop Over Its First Three Decades?841 Words   |  4 PagesUnited States throughout the Cold War. Kenna believed that if the United States stood firm on their resistance to Soviet expansion that it would eventually compel Moscow to adopt more peaceful policies. In 1946, in his famous â€Å"Long Telegram,† the diplomat George Kennan (1904-2005) explained this policy: The Soviet Union, he wrote, was â€Å"a political force committed fanatically to the belief that with the U.S. there can be no permanent modus vivendi [agreement between parties that disagree]†; as a